1st Update of Approved River Basin Management Plans – Consultation Files
Achieving good water status requires the establishment and implementation of River Basin Management Plans. The Management Plans are described in detail in Article 13 and Annex VII of Directive 2000/60 / EC and include, inter alia, Programs of Measures for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Waters, in accordance with Article 11 and Annex VI of the Directive.
The Management Plans are reviewed and updated every six years. The first approved Management Plans relate to the 1st Management Cycle (2009-2015) and are valid until their revision.
The Management Plans to be drawn up with the 1st Revision of the River Basin Management Plans of the country’s 14 River Basin Districts, according to the requirements of Directive 2000/60 / EC, concern the 2nd Management Cycle (2016-2021).
In the following list you can select the River Basin District you are interested in in order to view the texts under consultation.
Please mind that all documents are available in Greek.