Approved River Basin Management Plans
Achieving good water status requires the establishment and implementation of Management Plans at the River Basin level. The Management Plans are described in detail in Article 13 and Annex VII of Directive 2000/60 / EC and include, inter alia, Programs of Measures for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Waters, in accordance with Article 11 and Annex VI of the Directive.
Approved Management Plans were prepared in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2000/60 / EC, pursuant to Law 3199/2003 and Presidential Decree 51/2007. Approved Plans include all the detailed information required by Article 13 and Annex VII of Directive 2000/60 / EC.
In addition, according to the Article 15 (3) of Directive 2000/60 / EC, an interim report shall be carried out describing the progress made in implementing the foreseen program of measures. The Progress Report on the implementation of the programs of measures of the River Basin Management Plans of the Water Districts of the Country (referred to as the Management Plans) is drawn up by the Special Water Secretariat within the scope of its competences under Law 3199/2003 as amended and currently in force and it is available here
Ιn the following list you can choose the River Basin District you are interested in, in order to see the statutory documents and the relevant documentation of the respective reports, as well as the interim progress reports.