Greece has fully transposed the Directive into its national legislation by Law 3199/2003 “Water protection and management – Harmonization with Directive 2000/60 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000” and the Presidential Decree 51/2007.
By virtue of the provisions of Law 3199/2003, individual Decisions have been issued, such as the Joint Ministerial Decision 140384 / 19.8.2011 (Government Gazette B’ 2017) “Definition of National Network for the Quality and Water Quality Monitoring by Determination of Measurement Positions And the bodies that are obliged to operate pursuant to article 4, paragraph 4 of Law 3199/2003”, the Decision 706 /16.07.2010 (Government Gazette B’ 1383/2010) of the National Water Committee “Determination of River Basin country and the definition of the relevant Regions for the management and protection”, pursuant to article 3 of the Presidential Decree 51/2007, following the approval of River Basin Management Plans of the 14 River Basin Districts of the country for the 1st Cycle of Management (2009-2015), and others. Directly related to the implementation of the Directive is the institutional framework incorporating later or subsidiary Directives, such as Joint Ministerial Decision 39626/2208 / Ε130 / 25.9.2009 (Government Gazette B’ 2075), laying down measures for the protection of underground Water pollution and degradation, incorporating the subsidiary Directive 2006/118 / EC on the “protection of groundwater against pollution and degradation” pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 of Directive 2000/60 / EC, etc.
In connection with the implementation of individual requirements of Directive 2000/60 /EC many actions have been completed, including the following:
- The River Basins and the Water Districts (River Basin Districts) as applicable after the approval of the first River Basin Management Plans of the 14 River Basin Districts of the country have been identified and recorded by the Decision 706 / 16-7-2010 (Government Gazette 1383B / 2-9-2010 & Government Gazette 1572 / 28-9-2010) of the National Water Committee “on the definition of the river basins of the country and of the responsible Regional Water Authorities for their management and protection.
- The first River Basin Management Plans of all (14) of the country’s River Basin Districts for the period (2009-2015) have been prepared, adopted and submitted to the EU. Approved Management Plans include all the detailed information required by Article 13 and Annex VII of Directive 2000/60/EC.
- The Interim Progress Reports “Implementing the River Basin Management Plan Programs of Measures” have been prepared by the Special Waters Secretariat (December 2014) and submitted to the EU.
- The National Water Monitoring Network has been set up and operates, which includes over 2000 monitoring points for the quality and quantity status of surface and groundwater.
- The National Water Record Point has been set up and operates, which records the water quantity available from the water abstraction points licensed for the various uses in the country’s 14 River Basin Districts.
- The annual reports on the qualitative and quantitative status of the surface (river, lake, transitional and coastal) and groundwater of each country’s Water Department are compiled based on the data from the National Monitoring Network.
- Study on costing and pricing of water services is being prepared by the Special Secretariat for Water..
- It has been established by the Provincial Council No. 1282 / 19-12-2014 (SDA: 7AWH0-NBB) the Decision of the Special Secretary of Water, the “National Scientific Committee of the Special Secretariat for Water to determine the methods for classification of ecological status of all surface water categories”.
- Studies for the preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans in implementation of Directive 2007/60 / EC are being prepared, which are expected to set additional environmental objectives and Measures for the protection and management of water bodies from flood risk based on the requirements of the Directive 2000/60/EC.
At the same time, other actions / studies have been carried out at national level containing important information on the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC and their results were useful for the preparation of the River Basin Management Plans of the 14 River Basin Districts in the country (2009-2015), but these studies also remain a source of information and data for the 1st Review of Management Plans, such as “Development of Water Management Systems and Instruments”, the’ Register of Water ”, etc.